
vendredi 9 septembre 2011

One of Search Engines That Will Pay You To Perform Your Daily Searches

Get paid to search! Sounds interesting and almost unbelievable, doesn’t it? But, its true. There are a couple of search engines that pay you for searching on their site. You just need register with them, and after that, all you have to do is… Well just use their search engine to search for whatever you search every day, and before you know it, you’ve made some extra cash, which i am sure in this economy, is appreciated more than ever. With that said, here are 6 Search Engines you can get paid to search on.

1- shows results from three major engines,Google, Yahoo, Msn. You can either earn points for each search you make, or earn by voting and commenting on  keywords that have been searched. You will earn points (usually 3 points per search) for the first 100 searches that you do daily. Plus you earn 25% of what  each of your invited friends earn. 6500 points equals to $25 ,assuming you have many friends to invite you have the potential to earn a lot of points quiet rapidly. Paid by pay pal or prepaid visa gift card

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